
Sisteme Headend pentru hoteluri – echipamente, amplificare

At the outset, it is worth noting that hotels/boardinghouses with (S)MATV systems based on headends will not pose problems with the number of rooms (outlets). The cost mostly depends on the number and arrangement of channels received from satellite transponders. A larger number of outlets is only connected with the need to purchase additional amplifiers that usually are a small percentage of the total cost of the system.
So, the choice of the content is the fundamental problem in creating an approximate calculation for this type of investment. Often, the investor has a difficulty with selecting the optimal list of channels, which is necessary for the cost estimate. We can suggest some strategies for hoteliers and installers interested in building/developing hotel TV systems. In this short guide we will also present examples of practical solutions of headends for reception and distribution of different numbers of channels intended for various kinds of guests.
Distribution of digital terrestrial television (DVB-T)
Owners of newly built hotels and boardinghouses, equipping them with LCD televisions featuring built-in DVB-T tuners compliant with the broadcasting standard (e.g. MPEG-4), must only provide the antenna signal to outlets in rooms and other facilities. This can be achieved by using appropriate amplifier(s) depending on signal conditions and the number of the outlets.
Smaller hotels or boardinghouses located in areas with good reception conditions and needing ten, twenty or even more than fifty antenna outlets can be equipped with appropriate models of Telmor amplifiers.
The installers’ choice will probably be the digitally programmable multiband amplifier WWK-951 R89861. It features the highest gain in the UHF band (up to 45 dB), suitable for distributing DVB-T multiplexes even to about 60 outlets, without additional amplifiers (the maximum number of outlets depends on the input signal level, cabling and passive components of the distribution system).

In larger hotels and in the case of difficult reception conditions (low signals and/or interferences from other transmitters), we recommend to use highly selective channel amplifiers from Terra.
The components of a system based on Terra devices:
  • R82510 – at420 – twin channel amplifier
  • R82511 – at440 – four-channel amplifier
  • R82520 – ma400 – multiband amplifier with Three independent paths (FM, VHF&DAB, UHF) and high maximum output level
  • accessories: power supply unit, power strip, RF bridges etc.
Twin Channel Amplifier: Terra at420 (UHF, analog TV & DVB-T, AGC)
Four-channel Amplifier: Terra at440 (UHF, DVB-T, AGC)
Multiband Amplifier Terra ma400 (FM/VHF/UHF)
at420 R82510
at440 R82511
ma400 R82520
Typical architectures of hotel TV distribution systems:
  • star topology – used for smaller systems – all lines to the outlets in hotel rooms come from a central point of the system located e.g. in the attic, basement, server room etc.
  • mixed topology – used for larger systems – with subnetworks grouping physically close segments of a system, such as rooms on the same floor or in other part of a building – the signal is usually amplified at the inputs of the subnetworks distributing it further to the outlets with the use of splitters and taps.
The modularity of Terra systems allows for flexible adaptation to both types of installation.
Using the former topology, it is necessary to ensure a relatively high output level in the central point of the system. The application of the set of at420 R82510 / at440 R82511 channel amplifiers and ma400 R82520 multiband amplifier with maximum output level of 117 dBμV will ensure the division and distribution of the signal even to up to 100 outlets.
In the case of a larger number of outlets, it would be technically difficult and uneconomical to distribute the signal from one central point. The application of the mixed topology with several subnetworks with individual amplifiers solves the problem.
For this purpose, the ideal choice for input devices are twin channel amplifiers at420 R82510 and four-channel amplifiers at440 R82511 with maximum output level of 82 dBμV. This level is sufficient for division of the signal into multiple paths with additional launch/building amplifiers located at the inputs of the subnetworks. An example of DVB-T system in a hotel is presented below.
UHF TV Antenna: DIPOL 44/21-60 Tri Digit FM Antenna: Dipol 1RUZ PM B (omnidirectional H+V) Multiband Amplifier Terra ma400 (FM/VHF/UHF) DIN Rail Power Supply DR-60-12 (12VDC/4.5A, for Terra at/mt/ma modules) Four-channel Amplifier: Terra at440 (UHF, DVB-T, AGC) Subscriber Terminal Outlet: Signal RTV 4-way Tap: Signal O-4-18dB (5-1000MHz) 4-way Tap: Signal O-4-18dB (5-1000MHz) 4-way Tap: Signal O-4-20dB (5-1000MHz) 4-way Tap: Signal O-4-20dB (5-1000MHz) 2-Way TV/FM Splitter R-2 Signal 2-Way TV/FM Splitter R-2 Signal 2-Way TV/FM Splitter R-2 Signal 4-way Tap: Signal O-4-14dB (5-1000MHz) 4-way Tap: Signal O-4-16dB (5-1000MHz) 4-way Tap: Signal O-4-18dB (5-1000MHz) 4-way Tap: Signal O-4-18dB (5-1000MHz) 4-way Tap: Signal O-4-18dB (5-1000MHz) 4-way Tap: Signal O-4-18dB (5-1000MHz) 4-way Tap: Signal O-4-20dB (5-1000MHz) 4-way Tap: Signal O-4-20dB (5-1000MHz) 4-way Tap: Signal O-4-18dB (5-1000MHz) 4-way Tap: Signal O-4-18dB (5-1000MHz) 4-way Tap: Signal O-4-16dB (5-1000MHz) 4-way Tap: Signal O-4-14dB (5-1000MHz)

Hotel DVB-T system based mixed topology. Click on the diagram to download the PDF version.

Hotel distribution systems can be extended with Terra broadband amplifiers:
Name HS-200 HA-210 HA-131L HA-204R65
Code R82309 R82305 R82304 R82308
Band [MHz] 47-422
47-862 88-790 5-65
Max. output level [dBμV] 118/120 107 106 105
Gain [dB] 43-49/49-56 36 36 37
Return channel gain [dB] 27/-4


Distribution of DVB-T & DVB-S channels – SMATV systems

Modular headend as the source of signal in RF (coaxial) TV distribution systems
Headends distributing satellite channels after conversion to DVB-T COFDM digital form are popular solutions used in hotels. Satellite channels can be a complement to terrestrial TV broadcasts or be the main or only source of programming in the system.
Digital Terra headend can be used in a wide range of hotels and other facilities with different number of rooms, including the largest ones. It is easy to extend the programming by adding next modules. Thanks to the conversion of DVB-S/S2 signals into DVB-T COFDM standard, the satellite programming can be received by regular televisions, similarly to normal DVB-T broadcasts. Both the terrestrial DVB-T broadcasts and converted satellite channels can be easily distributed to the outlets via typical TV installations based on coaxial cabling.
DVB-T/T2/C - DVB-T (COFDM) Transmodulator TERRA TTX410C
DVB-S/S2 (8PSK, QPSK) - DVB-T (COFDM) Transmodulator TERRA TDX410C
Four-channel Amplifier: Terra at440 (UHF, DVB-T, AGC)
DVB-T/T2/C-DVB-T transmodulator TERRA TTX 410C R81615
DVB-S/S2-DVB-T transmodulator TERRA TDX 410C R81617
Four-channel amplifier TERRA at440 (UHF, DVB-T, AGC) R82511
DVB-T/T2/C – COFDM TTX-410C R81615 transmodulator is used for reception of DVB-T/T2/C signals, some corrections of TS parameters (regeneration, filtering etc.) and retransmission of them in COFDM format in selected channel in VHF/UHF frequency range. It allows for distribution of digital TV channels in situations when the signal received by the antenna cannot be directly amplified or converted to a different frequency due to high BER and low MER levels. The output DVB-T COFDM multiplex with MER above 35 dB can be distributed to multiple users even within very large networks.
DVB-T/T2/C – COFDM TTX-410C R81617 transmodulator is used for reception of DVB-S/S2 (8PSK/QPSK) signals, selection of desired channels from a transponder, and retransmission of them in COFDM format in chosen channel in VHF/UHF frequency range. Built-in CI interface for conditional access modules enables the transmodulator to operate with scrambled services. In multiplexing mode, one panel receives a whole multiplex (up to 10 or so channels) and converts it to DVB-T multiplex with up to 5 services (max 31 PIDs) with max throughput of 31.66 Mbps. When a higher throughput is required, the system will need next TDX-410C R81617 module(s).
Terra at440 R82511 is a four-channel highly selective tunable RF amplifier capable of filtering, amplifying and equalizing four digital multiplexes (DVB-T) broadcast in the UHF band. Each of the four independent sections can amplify different DVB-T multiplex. The paths are equipped with automatic gain control (AGC) and ultra selective SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) filters. The automatic gain control ensures automatic equalization of signal levels to 82 dBμV (for input levels within 50-75 dBμV range).
TERRA modular headend in configuration enabling reception of free-to-view and pay satellite TV channels in SD or HD quality. The four tdx410C R81617 transmodulators are used for reception of DVB-S/S2 (8PSK/QPSK) signals, selection of desired channels from 4 transponders, and retransmission of them in COFDM format in chosen channels in VHF/UHF frequency range. The modules can be mounted on R82538 or R82539 DIN rail, together with UP413 R82533 power supply (as well as they can be placed in a RACK cabinet). The configuration of the TDX410C R81617 transmodulators performed via a web browser is quite simple – scanning the selected satellite transponders and choosing the required channels.
Below we show a typical hotel TV system distributing terrestrial and satellite TV programming in the DVB-T COFDM standard.
UHF TV Antenna: DIPOL 44/21-60 Tri Digit Satellite Dish INVERTO IDLB-STCF 120cm (light color) Satellite Dish INVERTO IDLB-STCF 120cm (light color) Universal QUATRO LNB: Inverto Red Extended 0.3dB Universal QUATRO LNB: Inverto Red Extended 0.3dB Four-channel Amplifier: Terra at440 (UHF, DVB-T, AGC) Power Supply TERRA UP413 (12V/4.5A, for Terra modules) 4-way TV / FM Splitter - Signal R-4 8-way Tap: Signal O-8 (5-1000 MHz) 8-way Tap: Signal O-8 (5-1000 MHz) Flush Outlet: Satel GAR-BG-DK (end-of-line) 8-way Tap: Signal O-8 (5-1000 MHz) 8-way Tap: Signal O-8 (5-1000 MHz) DVB-S/S2 (8PSK, QPSK) - DVB-T (COFDM) Transmodulator TERRA TDX410C

The implementation of the headend in a hotel, shown in the diagram above, is a good example to illustrate the principles how to select appropriate elements for this kind of applications.
  • at440 R82511 – is a four-channel highly selective tunable RF amplifier capable of filtering, amplifying and equalizing four digital multiplexes (DVB-T) broadcast in the UHF band. Each of the four independent sections can amplify different DVB-T multiplex. It means that one module can amplify four digital multiplexes.
  • TDX410C R81617 transmodulator is used for reception of DVB-S/S2 (8PSK/QPSK) signals, selection of desired channels from a transponder, and retransmission of them in COFDM format in chosen channel in VHF/UHF frequency range. Built-in CI interface for conditional access modules enables the transmodulator to operate with scrambled services. In multiplexing mode, one panel receives a whole multiplex (up to 10 or so channels) and converts it to DVB-T multiplex with up to 5 services.
  • UP413 R82533 12 VDC power supply is dedicated for TERRA amplifiers, receivers, signal processing devices.
  • Splitters and taps enable division of the RF signal into subnetworks (e.g. for groups of rooms on each floor) and further distribution to individual outlets.
Depending on the wishes of the investor, digital terrestrial television broadcasts can be injected into the distribution system with the use of TTX-410C R81615 modules (1 module for 1 multiplex) or via additional at440 R82511 channel amplifiers (they can be powered from DR-60-12 R82532 power supply). The former option, although a bit more expensive, provides a lot of flexibility for optimum channel planning in the distribution network and does not require additional equipment (all the equipment can be located in the headend).
The list of components:
Name Code Quantity
at440 R82511 1
ma400 R82520 1
TDX-410C R81617 4
DR-60-12 R82532 1
Thanks to modular concept, it is easy to extend the programming by adding next TDX-410C R81617 modules.
The lists of satellite transponders and TV channels can be found in the following services:
The new solution has a number of advantages compared with other systems:
  • no need for a central unit (lower cost),
  • possibility of using redundant power supply,
  • easy installation on DIN rail (no problem with installing and changing modules),
  • easy access to CAM slots,,
  • intuitive configuration via a web browser – no need for additional devices.
The system with transmodulators can be integrated with additional components:
How many SD/HD channels can be combined into one DVB-T multiplex?
This issue is connected with bitrates of the required channels, which can be checked at DigitalBitrate.
An example of a table from the DigitalBitrate service with data concerning selected Hotbird 13.0E transponder (11393V) – channel names, PIDs, bitrates etc.
(click on to enlarge)
Summary statistics for the 11393V transponder
In the example, the total bitrate of the 11393V transponder from Hotbird 13.0E is about 42 Mbps (31.6 Mbps – video streams, 5.4 Mbps – audio streams). Currently, the transponder provides 18 services (channels). The average video bitrates of the five most popular channels are: 4.0 Mbps (TVN), 3.4 Mbps (TVN24), 2.6 Mbps (TVN7), 3.2 Mbps (TVN Turbo and TVN Style). So, the video and audio streams should take about 16.4 Mbps. The web service also provides maximum bitrates occurring during a day. In this case, the total value of the bitrate could amount to 24.4 Mbps. However, the situation in which all the channels have maximum data rates at the same moment is practically impossible.
Compact DVB-S/S2 to DVB-C headend TERRA S2C16
The compact digital headend Terra S2C16 S2C16 R81620 is a 16-channel transmodulator with DVB-S/S2 (8PSK/QPSK) input and DVB-C (QAM) output. The device is designed for transmodulation of FTA channels. Each of the 16 transmodulators of the S2C16 R81620 headend receives signals from a whole satellite transponder (several to over ten TV channels) and forms the corresponding DVB-C multiplex. In total, the headend can distribute 16 DVB-C multiplexes that can be received by televisions equipped with DVB-C tuners or connected via DVB-C STBs. The TV channels received from a transponder can be freely filtered – the only requirement is not to exceed the maximum output bit rate.
In practice, it means that the compact device can receive and distribute up to 100 satellite channels. Additionally, the RF input can be used for combining DVB-T channels (COFDM). As mentioned, the televisions in the facility must receive both DVB-T and DVB-C channels.
UHF TV Antenna: DIPOL 44/21-60 Tri Digit Compact DVB-S/S2 to DVB-C Headend: Terra S2C16 Universal QUATRO LNB: TRIAX TQT 006 Steel Satellite Dish: TRIAX 115 TD (dark gray) Steel Satellite Dish: TRIAX 115 TD (dark gray) Universal QUATRO LNB: TRIAX TQT 006 3-Way TV/FM Splitter R-3 Signal 1-way TV / FM Tap O-1-16dB (5-1000MHz) Signal 1-way Tap: Signal O-1-14dB (5-1000MHz) 1-way Tap: Signal O-1-12dB (5-1000MHz) 1-way TV / FM Tap O-1-16dB (5-1000MHz) Signal 1-way Tap: Signal O-1-14dB (5-1000MHz) 1-way Tap: Signal O-1-12dB (5-1000MHz) 1-way TV / FM Tap O-1-16dB (5-1000MHz) Signal 1-way Tap: Signal O-1-14dB (5-1000MHz) 1-way Tap: Signal O-1-12dB (5-1000MHz)

The Terra S2C16 R81620 headend can receive and distribute satellite DVB-S/S2 channels from two satellite positions (full band from one satellite and low band from another satellite) and terrestrial DVB-T channels. Both kinds of the signals can be received throughout the distribution network by televisions equipped with DVB-T/DVB-C tuners.

TERRA IPTV system for hotels and other facilities with multiple users
Advantages of Terra IPTV solutions
  • Possibility of watching TV on PCs, laptops etc. running free app
  • Multidescrambling
  • Use of twisted-pair cables as the transmission medium
  • Low power consumption, power redundancy
  • IP multicast technique saves LAN resources
  • No middleware between the headend and receivers
  • Easy way to extend the transmission range (through the use of media converter and optical fiber)
IPTV Streamer: TERRA sti-410C (DVB-T/T2/C to IP, CI slot)
IPTV Streamer: TERRA sdi-410C (DVB-S/S2 to IP, CI slot)
IPTV Receiver IF-442HD
IPTV streamer (DVB-T/T2/C-IP) TERRA sti 410C R81604
IPTV streamer (DVB-S/S2-IP) TERRA sdi-410C R81608
IPTV receiver TERRA IF-442HD R81612
The sti-4440 R81606 IPTV DVB-T/T2/C to IP streamer allows for selection of four multiplexes (with unencrypted channels) from terrestrial (DVB-T/T2) and cable TV (DVB-C) platforms and their distribution via Ethernet (LAN) network based on twisted-pair cabling. Additionally, the sti-440 R81606 module can stream any material provided via USB port in the form of MPEG-2 TS (Transport Stream). Thanks to television distribution technology based on IP, the cabling in a building can be limited only to one (data + IPTV) or two (separate for data and for IPTV) UTP/FTP cable(s). In addition to low cost of such cabling, the users get access to additional interactive features, and the programming can be adapted to their specific requirements.
A great advantage of this solution is also the possibility of comparatively simple and cheap conversion into fiber-optic medium in comparison to RF systems.
One of the main advantages of the Terra IPTV solution is no need for any middleware software between the headend and the receivers. As a result, the system is much cheaper (no software license fees) than other solutions and very simple in both configuration and operation. A unique feature of the system is the fact that the terminal units – R81612 IPTV receivers – do not require any configuration, which can be of great importance in the case of larger networks. They automatically detect any changes in the local network or the programming.

The system is particularly recommended for hotels and B & Bs. It can be used wherever one needs combination of rich programming with good signal quality, and in places where television signals are to be distributed over twisted pair cables or optical fibers.
Satellite Dish INVERTO IDLB-STCF 120cm (light color) Satellite Dish INVERTO IDLB-STCF 120cm (light color) Universal QUATRO LNB: Inverto Red Extended 0.3dB Universal QUATRO LNB: Inverto Red Extended 0.3dB UHF TV Antenna: DIPOL 44/21-60 Tri Digit IPTV Streamer: TERRA sti-410C (DVB-T/T2/C to IP, CI slot) IPTV Streamer: TERRA sdi-410C (DVB-S/S2 to IP, CI slot) Power Supply TERRA UP413 (12V/4.5A, for Terra modules) Smart Switch TP-LINK TL-SL2452 (48xFE, 2xGE, 2x SFP) Smart Switch TP-LINK TL-SL2452 (48xFE, 2xGE, 2x SFP) IPTV Receiver IF-442HD

A configuration of TERRA headend for reception of channels from 2 satellites and DVB-T broadcasts. The IPTV system can distribute free-to-air and pay sat TV channels and DVB-T programming, both in SD and HD quality.

The implementation of the headend in a hotel, shown in the diagram above, is a good example to illustrate the principles how to select appropriate elements for this kind of applications:
  • IPTV Streamer TERRA sti-410C (DVB-T/T2/C-IP, CI slot) R81604 allows for selection of terrestrial (DVB-T/T2) or cable TV (DVB-C) multiplex and its distribution via Ethernet (LAN) network based on twisted-pair cabling.
  • IPTV Streamer TERRA sdi-410C (DVB-S/S2-IP, CI slot) R81608 allows for selection of satellite channels and their distribution via Ethernet (LAN) network based on twisted-pair cabling.
  • IPTV Receiver TERRA IF-402HD R81612 is used for reception/decoding of television signals distributed in broadband IP networks, based on IP protocol and coded in MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, both in SD and in HD resolutions. A unique feature of the TERRA IPTV system is the fact that the terminal units – R81612 IPTV receivers – do not require any configuration, which can be of great importance in the case of larger networks. They automatically detect any changes in the local network or the programming.
  • Smart Switch TP-LINK TL-SL2452 N29965 has 48 RJ45 10/100Mbps ports, 2 RJ45 GbE ports and 2 SFP slots. The IGMP snooping function enables intelligent multicast forwarding of the streaming only to specific subscribers.
Private channels in hotel TV systems
Many hotel owners would like to launch in their hotel TV systems „private” channels with a selected content. The typical signal sources include PCs, DVDs/Blu-rays, and very popular media players capable of playing previously prepared presentations and videos. The injection of such a channel into the hotel TV distribution system is possible with the use of an appropriate RF modulator. Digital DVB-T modulators ensure distribution of HD content and the same viewing experience in the whole distribution system.

Signal HDMI -> DVB-T modulators
An example application of Signal-400 R86700 DVB-T modulators:
UHF TV Antenna: DIPOL 44/21-60 Tri Digit DVB-T Modulator Signal-400 (COFDM, HDMI) DVB-T Modulator Signal-400 (COFDM, HDMI) 3-Way TV/FM Splitter R-3 Signal 1-way TV / FM Tap O-1-16dB (5-1000MHz) Signal 1-way TV / FM Tap O-1-16dB (5-1000MHz) Signal 1-way TV / FM Tap O-1-16dB (5-1000MHz) Signal 1-way Tap: Signal O-1-14dB (5-1000MHz) 1-way Tap: Signal O-1-14dB (5-1000MHz) 1-way Tap: Signal O-1-14dB (5-1000MHz) 1-way Tap: Signal O-1-12dB (5-1000MHz) 1-way Tap: Signal O-1-12dB (5-1000MHz) 1-way Tap: Signal O-1-12dB (5-1000MHz)

Distribution of HD signals from a Blu-ray player and PC computer, converted into DVB-T multiplexes
by Signal-400 R86700 modulators, along with DVB-T broadcasts received by the A2670 antenna

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